Devlog #5 Behind the Curtain

Birthright Dev Update

Title: Behind the Curtain, part 1

Scene: A large rectangular room with a low, tiled ceiling. At one end is a long table pushed against the wall. It is laden with dishes of snacks and bite sized membranes filled with an assortment of juices. At the other end of the room is a set of mirrors bordered with lights. They are mounted above another long table covered in cosmetics. Several stools are stored underneath. In the middle of the room is a cluster of chairs and couches interrupted by small tables. The walls are bare with the exception of a light switch, a flat screen video monitor set to white noise, an intercom, and the mirrors.


Jack: An actor with a smile that can win over the hardest of hearts. On occasion, his exuberant exterior takes on a brittle quality and he gives in to the urge to pace or fidget. His skill set is almost whimsical in its variety, making him a favorite of directors and audiences alike.

Tamsin: An actor known for her emotional range and flexibility. She has a particular gift for capturing or more accurately embodying the tension between a character’s desires and possible outcomes. When not performing, she is highly reclusive, keeping to a small circle of friends and family.

Jack and Tamsin are friends. They have worked together on several projects now and are happy to be collaborating again.

Felix: An actor whose career consists of being typecast as the calm and reliable character. His signature expression is a gentle frown of concern. Offstage his energy is that of a banked fire awaiting an excuse to blaze. (This hardly ever happens.)

Time: their Now

[It is late afternoon everywhere excepting the windowless green room lit by fluorescent bulbs. In the green room, it is that time of day when our players gather to rest and rehearse their lines. A muffled bass beat throbs in the background and the tv static flickers, revealing the wavering and distorted image of a forest. The image loses focus and darkens before resolving into static once again.]

[Tamsin and Jack are seated at opposites ends of a couch in the middle of the room. Tamsin’s back leans against an arm of the couch, her posture loose and relaxed as she gnaws her lip and reads over the script propped against her knees. Jack slouches with his copy of the script, one hand holding a half eaten granola bar. He is too focused on what he is reading to brush away the lock of hair obscuring part of one eye.]

[Tamsin drops her copy of the script on a nearby table and stretches her arms above her head while she yawns. Her glaze flits about the room as she searches for a distraction.]

Tamsin: Do you think it’s weird that my character hasn’t gotten more stage time?

[She sits up from her lean, her air of listlessness gone.]

Tamsin: She’s a childhood friend but we know nothing about her.

[Jack thinks this over for a moment as he rearranges the pages in his lap.]

Jack: Rumor has it you’re a big part of the next update. 

[He meets her eyes with a grin.]

Jack: You didn’t hear that from me, though.

Tamsin: Oh good. I was getting worried thinking the writer was just going to kill me off like—

[Tamsin covers her mouth with her hands, looking horrified.]

Tamsin: I’m so sorry, Jack, I didn’t mean to put it that way.

[Jack’s grin fades a bit but he puts on a brave face as his fingers tap the arm of the couch in an uneven rhythm.]

Jack: It’s ok, it’s the truth. Besides, I’m pretty sure I’m the favorite so far. How could I stay dead and disappoint the audience?

Tamsin: Isn’t this supposed to be some kind of modern fantasy? Maybe we’re getting one of those magically back from the dead scenarios. Doing it right is kind of tricky, though.

Jack: I haven’t been cut that I know of and I’m still getting paid, at least.

[He shrugs before standing up and walking over to the refreshments table. He picks up a membrane filled with bright orange liquid, pops it in his mouth, and grimaces.]

Jack: It never really tastes like oranges, does it?

[The green room door opens, revealing Felix. He wears glasses instead of his usual contacts and carries a clipboard.]

Tamsin: Felix! How did the meeting go?

Felix: Mmm.

[He is frowning at his clipboard, seemingly lost to his surroundings.]

[Tamsin wads up a sheet of paper and tosses it at Felix, hitting him on the shoulder.]

Felix: Sorry, what was that? Oh, the meeting. Yes.

[Felix pushes his glasses up his nose and clears his throat.]

Felix: Well, to start with, it sounds like the writer recently passed the halfway mark on content for the next update. It’s about time.

Jack: Come on, that’s a bit harsh.

[Felix raises one eyebrow in response.]

Felix: As I was saying, we have a little while before the next installment of the project.

Tamsin: Not too  long, I hope. We only just got past the beginning.

Felix: Which means we’ve entered the middle. The thick of it. It’s not only the writer who will have to pull this off.

Jack: Did you hear that?

Tamsin: Hear what?

Felix: How can you hear anything above that bass?

[Felix says this while rubbing his forehead, a sour look on his face.]

Jack: That sound, it was like—

[Jack trails off and shakes his head. He sits back down on the couch and resumes rearranging his copy of the script.]

[Tamsin gives Jack a mildly concerned look before she leaves the couch and walks over to Felix.]

Tamsin: Hey, any news on whether I’ll be getting more lines with this update?

Felix: You’ll be in quite a few scenes. I don’t know much else except the writer is hoping you’ll find it— an interesting use of your talent.

Tamsin: That’s a relief. Does this mean the first act will focus on the three of us?

Felix: Seems like it, but I wouldn’t make any assumptions yet. It would make the most sense from an organizational standpoint, however.

[A loud rumble interrupts their conversation and rattles the door in its frame. Jack leaps up from the couch, scattering sheets of paper. The sound ceases abruptly and the muted bass beat resumes.]

Jack: Did you hear it? It was the same as last time. The sound.

Tamsin: What the fuck was that?

[Felix glances at the door and lets out an irritated sigh.]

Felix: Look, we should probably go home, anyway. They’re recording tomorrow and we could all use some rest.

Tamsin: We can rest later, Felix. Also, I think everyone needs a break. Right, Jack?

Felix: I really can’t—

Jack: I vote for sushi.

Tamsin: No sushi. It’s a terrible year for fish, remember? Pick something else.

[Jack and Tamsin lapse into a disappointed silence.]

Felix: Fine.

[Jack and Tamsin turn to look at him with near identical hopeful expressions.]

Felix: I know a place. It’s not fish but the food’s cheap.

[Jack and Tamsin cheer as the lights dim and the curtain falls. The bass beat in the background continues.]

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